Do You Find Your Constant Worry Negatively Affecting Your Peace Of Mind?

Do you find yourself preoccupied with multiple concerns all at once such as finances, family matters, relationships, work-related issues, and what others think of you? Have you ever found yourself worrying excessively to the point where it feels impossible to control or stop these anxious thoughts? Do you believe that your worrying helps you be prepared for potential challenges, yet you also are starting to see that this excessive worry has become debilitating?

Perhaps you often worry about how much is on your mind. You’re aware that excessive ruminations and racing thoughts may mean something is wrong. You may feel uneasy or afraid when the outcome of a situation is uncertain, and you have no control over the result.

Anxiety can be overwhelming, especially when all you want is to have a calm mind and a sense of control over uncertainty.

Anxiety Isn’t Just About Worrying—There Are Many Other Symptoms

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) manifests through a variety of symptoms, often leaving you trapped in a cycle of persistent worry and unease. 

You may be experiencing:

  • anxiety about job security or performance

  • worry about your health 

  • concern for the well-being of your children or other family members

  • fixation on ensuring assignments and job duties are done on time

  • trouble controlling anxious thoughts

  • awareness that you worry more than you should

Physical symptoms can also be a telling sign of GAD, these include:

  • difficulty relaxing

  • trouble concentrating

  • easily startled

  • disruptive sleep patterns

  • persistent fatigue

  • headaches, muscle aches, and stomachaches

With the help of an experienced, compassionate therapist, you can learn to better manage your general anxiety disorder symptoms. Generalized anxiety treatment at Sequoia Counseling Group is designed to help you take charge of your worrisome and fearful thoughts.

While Uncertainty Is A Natural Part Of Life, You Can Choose Not To Be Consumed By The Fear Of It

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of the most prevalent mental health conditions in the United States, affecting people across various demographics such as race, age, and gender. 

An estimated 5.7 percent of U.S. adults experience GAD at some point in their lives, demonstrating its widespread occurrence among the adult population. Additionally, approximately 2.2% of adolescents also struggle with GAD. (1)


The “Intolerance Of Uncertainty” Plays A Major Role In The Development Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

One theory suggests that being unable to handle uncertainty leads to excessive worry and fear. 

Many people think that uncertainty always leads to bad outcomes. They constantly search for certainty and perfect solutions, seeking constant reassurance through research or asking others for affirmation. While these behaviors may temporarily ease anxiety, they often come back quickly and even can become worse over time. 

Nobody enjoys uncertainty; it can be scary not knowing what life has in store for us. Sometimes, people believe that excessive worrying helps them "prevent" or "plan" regarding potential negative events. At the same time, most people who experience this also know that the behavior is unhelpful. Additionally, people may criticize themselves for not being able to control their worrying and circumstances. But life itself is uncertain, and having constant anxious thoughts about every situation can take a significant toll on your mental and physical health.

Regardless of what triggers your anxiety, therapy can help. Generalized anxiety therapy allows you to identify and explore the source of your anxious thoughts and feelings—while allowing you to develop a sense of control over your mind.

a woman leans against a sequoia tree

Generalized Anxiety Therapy Can Help You Be Calm And Present

Therapy offers a safe place to fully unpack what is going on in your life, your worries, and how it’s impacting your daily life. Our therapists have experience with a multitude of anxiety issues, including GAD. You can expect to be matched with a caring counselor, and have questions and concerns answered during a complimentary consultation, and a detailed intake session where we get to understand your unique goals and wishes. 

We don't just sit passively and listen. Our generalized anxiety therapists are active and offer suggestions and provide a rationale for change. We ensure that you feel comfortable expressing your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. In this space, we ensure you feel validated in your experiences and know that we want the very best for you.

A Tailored Approach Toward Generalized Anxiety Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps people struggling with generalized anxiety disorder learn to challenge and restructure maladaptive thought patterns. Techniques such as cognitive restructuring for anxiety assist in identifying and altering irrational beliefs while examining the perceived costs and benefits of worrying and understanding its futility. 

We also incorporate procedures for letting go or postponing worry, coupled with Stress Inoculation Training, which allows you to develop resilience and tolerance for uncertainty through practical problem-solving approaches. 

Additionally, CBT targets avoidance behaviors by encouraging engagement in feared activities and constructive imagery to envision positive outcomes. 

Deep breathing, expressive writing, and employing affirming self-talk such as “I do not use my worry as the only guide”” or “This too shall pass” further helps to reinforce your ability to manage automatic negative thoughts and cultivate a sense of calm amidst anxiety-provoking situations. 

At Sequoia Counseling Group our ultimate goal is to provide a validating environment where we can help you gain a better sense of understanding and control over uncertainty in your life. With us, you will learn that focusing on worry does not fully relate to reducing bad outcomes. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is highly treatable—with therapy, you can live a better-quality life.

You May Be Considering Generalized Anxiety Therapy But Have More Questions…

I have been worrying for so long. I'm not sure counseling will be helpful.

Many clients have been struggling to manage their worries for years before seeking counseling. This is quite common with GAD; our counselors know about how to help you best approach this. We use some of the most rigorously studied approaches to counseling—like cognitive behavioral therapy—you can be assured you will be treated using scientifically backed approaches.

I am worried I won't have enough time to focus on treatment. How long will this take?

It is very common to want to know how long counseling will take before you see results. While we cannot guarantee individual results, studies that have utilized cognitive behavioral therapy for generalized anxiety disorder have shown change for many clients with as few as 7-10 sessions. Here at our practice, we track all client progress in counseling utilizing state-of-the-art progress assessments (called Feedback Informed Treatment). This allows you and your counselor to have "real-time" feedback on your progress.

Will therapy make my anxiety worse before I start to feel better?

On average therapy will help you feel better sooner rather than later. It is important to remember that healing isn’t linear and you won’t achieve what you want overnight. But consistently working toward an improved mental state through therapy can help you achieve long-term term healing.

Generalized Anxiety Therapy Can Help You Quiet Your Thoughts And Enjoy The Present Moment

If you’re struggling with constant worries and ruminations, therapy allows you to understand the root of your anxious thoughts and manage them so they no longer become distressing or debilitating.

Please contact us to find out about how our approach to generalized anxiety therapy can help you heal and live a more meaningful life.